Veterinarian-written / veterinarian-approved articles for your cat.

You Love Spoiling Your Cat, but Should You?

Spoiling your cat should be done without using food.

You love your cat, and you want to spoil her. But is it good for your cat to be doted upon and have a steady stream of lavish gifts? The answer is: it depends on your definition of spoiling.

How Do People Spoil Their Cats?

It's quite common for people to "spoil" their cats by giving them special treats or food or increased amounts of their regular food and treats.

Cats love their food and treats, and it can be easy for humans to fall into the trap of showing love to their feline friends through diet. Unfortunately, this can lead to obesity, which is associated with many feline diseases and a shortened life span.

Using food to show love isn't spoiling your cat; it could even be harming her.

In case you're worried that your cat will be angry with you if you decrease the treats, take a look at "Will My Cat Love Me Less if I Feed Her Less?"

How Should You Spoil Your Cat?

Here are some non-food ways to show your cat you care about her and love her that won't negatively impact her health. In fact, they might improve it.

  • Get some interactive cat toys and spend at least 10 minutes per day playing with your cat. Put the toys away between sessions so your cat doesn't lose interest in them.
  • Make sure you have enough cat scratching posts covered with the right material available for your cat to climb, scratch, and lounge on. Scratching is a major way that cats de-stress.
  • Provide soft, comfortable beds for your cat. Especially as your cat gets older, cozy beds can help cushion aging joints.
  • Give your cat a hiding spot from which she can watch the goings-on of the home and possibly leap out at unsuspecting passers-by, giving her hunter's instincts some exercise.
  • Set up your cat's food and water so they aren't near one another. Cats don't like to eat near their water source. Spoil your cat even more with a water fountain. Cats love to drink running water. They also don't like eating or drinking out of bowls that push their whiskers back continuously, causing discomfort or even pain.
  • Present your cat with a cat tree or cat condo. Put it right in front of a window so your kitty can perch and watch the goings-on both inside and out. For extra bonus points with your favorite feline, get an angled scratcher to place at the base of the tree or condo!
  • Cats can get a little bored when we aren't home to play with them, so you can spoil yours by getting an automated cat toy that can be programmed to come on randomly throughout the day. We love the Frolicat Cheese Toy for this purpose.
  • You can't spoil your cat with love, but your kitty will definitely feel spoiled if you spend some extra time holding, petting, and cuddling with her. Grab a lap blanket and snuggle in with your cat routinely.
  • Set your cat up with lots of catnip and honeysuckle toys. As with the interactive toys, put these away between play sessions so your cat doesn't become desensitized to their effects.

As you can see, there are lots of ways you can spoil your cat that don't have to do with food. They provide exercise, mental stimulation, and closeness with you. Use some of these techniques, and you might just find that you're feeling pretty spoiled yourself.

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