Veterinarian-written / veterinarian-approved articles for your cat.

Feeding Techniques to Decrease Hairballs in Cats

If your cat has occasional hairballs, you might be able to make dietary tweaks that can help.

Read more: Feeding Techniques to Decrease Hairballs in Cats

How to Comb Your Cat's Belly

Your cat may relish a nice combing along the forehead and back, but kick—or worse—if the comb goes near the belly area. Here's one method of getting your cat to gradually accept an almost-full-body brushing or combing; kitty's underside gets dirty and tangled, too.

Read more: How to Comb Your Cat's Belly

Grooming and Bathing

Tips on how to groom and bath your cat.

Read more: Grooming and Bathing

Hairballs in Cats

Hairballs in cats aren't always normal. Read about when to be concerned about an underlying medical condition.

Read more: Hairballs in Cats

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