How to Protect Your Belongings From Your Cat

cat_belonings_protectionYou have the most loving and handsome cat in the world. So does your neighbor! Everyone will just have to agree that all kitties are in the upper percentile of purrfect felines.

However you may occasionally find Mr. Molasses’ enthusiasm for play, and life in general, comes at the expense of some items in your home that you are not entirely prepared to part with. We are talking about expensive or sentimental objects on display in bookcases, on shelves, on your desk, and other flat surfaces throughout the home.

Have you ever received a beautiful vase of flowers and had it “mysteriously” hit the floor during the night, shattering the vase, getting the hardwood floor wet, and knocking most of the flowers for a loop? Not acceptable. (Learn why cats do this in the first place here: "Why Do Cats Knock Things Over?"

But how to convey this fact to Mr. Molasses?

Most of us are very busy and not able to spend every waking hour creeping after our furry friend with a can full of stones, trying to startle him into ceasing his behavior.

And frankly, we appreciate that he is so joyful and runs about the house batting his toys and having a grand ole time.

Many cat lovers have successfully used museum wax to safeguard their belongings.

What Is Museum Wax?

Museums and antique dealers have several products they use in order to secure fine pieces such as glass, figurines, ceramics, and porcelain so that they will not be accidentally knocked over or picked up.

The product is easy to find. It is available at Lowe’s, Home Depot, on eBay, and from various online retailers.

Museum wax is a putty, and you mold some into little balls and place them under the base of items, press the item onto the surface you wish them to stand on, and voila! The items are quite secure and resistant to busy cats, but they can be removed with a little twist if you would like to reposition them.

Mr. Molasses’ enthusiasm may thrive and your collectibles can survive!

There are added benefits to using museum wax. You can secure picture frames to the wall, writing pads to the counter, and invent all sorts of useful applications. Speaking of benefits . . . the putty holds objects firmly enough that you can dust around them without having to move them, and dust them without having to pick them up.

There is also a museum gel and wax that are available. Each type has its own advantage as far as adhering better to wood, glass, stone, etc. The gel is interesting because you can secure a glass item, the gel dries clearly, and one can see through the glass to the surface it is resting on with no idea that there is an adhesive in use.

Other Ideas for Keeping Items on Shelves with Cats Around

There are several other solutions that might be of use to you.

In large opaque vases or vessels, pour sand or insert a large stone in order to weigh them down and secure them.

In clear bowls and vases, place pretty glass stones for weight.

For larger and heavier objects, try rubber non-skid rug pads and you will find that the item will not slide around nearly as much.

Though these techniques are never 100% foolproof—or should we say cat proof—when a determined feline is in the mood to ambush, they certainly will help protect your belongings against a kitty’s rambunctious antics.

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