General Tips for Solving Inappropriate Urination Problems in Cats

There are many ways to solve inappropriate urination issues.

Inappropriate urination in cats can be a frustrating problem for both you and your feline friend. There are many reasons that cats may urinate in spots other than their litter boxes. Take a look at this article for an in-depth discussion of the problem. Below are some basic tips for solving this issue:

The first step whenever your cat is urinating inappropriately is to visit the veterinarian. Medical conditions must be ruled out first before beginning behavior modification programs.

Punishment is never an effective solution! If you catch your cat in the act of urinating in an inappropriate spot and physically punish him, then throw him in the litter box, a more powerful litter box aversion is likely to develop. The only acceptable type of correction would be to startle your cat if you see that he is about to eliminate in an inappropriate spot. Either blowing a whistle or shaking a can filled with coins may be employed at the beginning of the behavior (when your cat is sniffing or scratching around) but not during the behavior (squatting and urinating). At that point, it is too late for the startling to have the desired effect.

Whereas punishment is not effective in cats, rewards are sometimes helpful. If you see your cat exhibiting the appropriate behavior by using his box, reward him with treats and praise (but don't startle him).

You can find tips for more specific litter box problems in the following articles:

Tips for Good Litter Box Placement

Tips for Good Litter Box Cleaning

Tips for Avoiding Litter Aversion in Cats

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