Dangers of Salt Lamps for Cats

Learn the possible dangers of salt lamps for cats.

Himalayan salt lamps have become quite popular recently. People use them not only for their lovely pink glow but also in an attempt to get better and more sleep, fight allergies, and other possible health benefits.

But salt lamps can be dangerous for pets. The salt can be enticing for cats, who can jump up and get to the lamps. They may lick the lamp and then continue to do so, ingesting too much salt.

Salt Toxicity in Cats

Ingesting too much salt causes the water to be pulled out of the tissues and into the bloodstream. That includes the fluid around the brain, and salt toxicity can cause severe neurological issues.

The signs of salt toxicity in cats include:

Other Sources of Salt Toxicity in Cats

Besides licking salt lamps, cats can get salt toxicity by ingesting the following:

Treatment for Salt Toxicity in Cats

The treatment for salt toxicity includes hospitalizing the cat for IV fluids and electrolytes. This should be done slowly to avoid swelling of the brain.

Prevention of Salt Toxicity in Cats

Salt lamps and all other sources of salt should be kept where your cat can't get to them. You never know when your kitty might venture a lick, decide it tastes good, and overdo it. Even if the kitty hasn't been interested in the salt lamp before, that could occur at any time.

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