Human-Directed Aggression in Cats


You're walking into your living room, minding your own business, when BAM! Your cat lunges from out of nowhere, all teeth and claws! She latches onto your ankle, delivers some kicks and a painful bite, and then slinks away before you even know what hit you. You are shocked, annoyed, and in pain. What causes this Jekyll and Hyde behavior in your normally lovely, adoring cat?

Human-directed aggression in house cats is an all-too-common problem. At minimum, it is upsetting and annoying when your feline crosses over to the dark side. At worst, severe injury can result.

If your cat is habitually hurting people, it's time for professional veterinary help. Painful conditions such as dental disease, arthritis, and skin problems could be causing your cat to lash out. Your vet will do a full medical and behavioral evaluation to determine the exact problem and the solution.

Aggression in cats is not a trivial matter. A cat scratch, and particularly a cat bite, can cause severe injury. This is especially true if the victim is very young, immunocompromised, or in frail health.Consult a physician without delay regarding any cat bite or scratch.

Two leading causes of cat aggression toward humans are play aggression and status-related aggression. Characterizing the problem and its triggers can help with damage control. The sooner you act on this issue the better because these problems can intensify with time.

Play Aggression in Cats

This is probably the most common scenario that causes cats to scratch and bite their owners. Luckily, it is usually the most amenable to treatment.

Young kittens hone their sparring skills early in life. Litter-mates play-fight and play-hunt by stalking, pouncing, kicking, and biting each other. This pantomime can be quite rough. But kittens quickly learn to keep claws sheathed and soften their bites lest they suffer retaliation from the other cats and the cessation of play. Kittens who lack this critical early socialization because they were orphaned or adopted by humans too early can grow into cats that play too roughly.

The classic play-aggressive cat will crouch, stalk, and pounce at your moving arms, hands, ankles, or toes. Some will hide—around a corner, under a bed—then ambush as you walk past. Body cues such as flattened ears, dilated pupils, and a swishing tail are signs that your cat is in play-hunt mode and about to strike. Play aggression is most common in kittens and cats below the age of 3. It may be more of a problem in single cat households and where the house is empty most of the day. All that pent-up energy needs an outlet.

The following measures may help tame your feline play-aggressor:

Status-Related Aggression in Cats

Play-aggressive cats, left untreated, may be at risk for developing the next problem: status-related aggression. Like the dominant-aggressive dog, the cat with status-related aggression has a need to control people and situations. Examples include the cat that begs for attention but then swats or bites shortly into the petting session (see "Petting Induced Aggression in Cats"). Another example is the cat that lashes out when removed from a favorite sleeping spot. Or one that stakes out a doorway and swats when you walk through it.

These are cats with a confident, assertive temperament. They will pace, rub, vocalize, and demand attention one minute (e.g. when you're working on your computer or talking on the phone) and then bite and run the next. They may be pushy to some family members and deferential to others, depending on what they think they can get away with.

While these attacks may at first seem to come out of the blue, careful observation will usually reveal a pattern to the behavior as well as telltale postures that precede the strike, including:

As contrasted with play aggression, the direct stare and low growl signal that the cat means business.

Treatment of status-related aggression aims at gaining control over the cat while avoiding situations where the animal has the upper hand, er, paw. Timely treatment is important because this problem has a strong learned component. When you recoil to nurse your wounds, your cat learns that biting works.

Startle your cat with a homemade noisemaker like:

With diligence and perseverance, your cat can be taught not to bite the hand that feeds her.


  1. "Feline Behavior Problems." Cornell Feline Health Center, Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine. 15 Nov. 2006. Web. 18 Apr. 2010.
  2. Landsberg, Gary. Handbook of Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2003.
  3. Overall, Karen L. Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Small Animals. Saint Louis: Mosby, 1996.

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